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13th November 2020

On the occasion of Diwali 2020, Thozhargalin Karam Charitable Trust decided to commemorate it by helping the needy otherthan burning crackers.

For this regards,The Trust identified an orphanage called "Canaan Orphanage" situated near G V Residency, where nearly 30 children are living.

The team had helped them by taking charge of their breakfast.

TKCT Founder Mr. J. Bharaniidharan, P. R. O Mr. N. M. Manoj Kumar, Trustees Ms. M. Purnima and Ms. S. Aishwarya and TKCT Members Ms. Haripriya and Ms. Sandhiya took part in the event and provided breakfast to the children.

The day adds a positivity, through making them smiling for atleast a day!

" Diwali is festive of lights not outside, but illuminating inside the hearts that needs brightness "

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